what are the shell commands
compgen -c #Check commands in Unix
help | more #Check commands in Windowsls ls - Lists files in current directory
ls -alF - List in long format
cd - change directory
cd tempdir - Change directory to tempdir
cd.. - Move back one directory
mkdir - Make a directory
rmdir - Remove directory(Must be empty)
cp - Copy File into Directory
rm - Remove or Delete File
rm *.tmp - Remove all file
mv - Move or rename files
more - Look at file, one page at a time
lpr - Send file to printer
man - Online help about command
passwd - Change password
gzip - Compress file
grep<str><files> - Find which files contain certain word
who - Lists who is logged on your machine
history - Lists command history
date - Print out current date
whoami - returns your username
pwd - tell where currently you are
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