zsh stat timefmt Ymd HMS
stat -t "%Y%m%d%H%M%S" # an example of call , "%Y" also "%0Y", but not "%.Y"
Y Year
m Month
d Date
H Hour (0-23)
h Hour (1-12)
M Minute (0-59)
S Seconds (0-59)
s Milliseconds (0-999)
p text "pm" or "am"
P text "PM" or "AM"
% The symbol "%"
# macOS 10.15.6
## source:
# https://www.maths.ed.ac.uk/hall/Xpress/FICO_Docs/mosel/mosel_lang/dhtml/timefmt.html
# https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/238639/test-if-file-was-modified-after-date-in-file-name
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