angular one way property binding

/* One Way Data Binding
	-  One way data-binding
            -  binds data from the component to the view or vice versa and is unidirectional
            -  From Component to View
                -  Interpolation Binding:
                    -  interpolation refers to binding expressions into marked up language
                    -  Examples: 
                        -  .ts `firstName: string = 'theCodingStoic'`
                        -  .html: `{{ firstName }}` 
                -  Property Binding:
                    -  sets the property of a view element. The binding sets the property to the value of a template expression
                        -  Examples: 
                            -  .ts `firstName: string = 'theCodingStoic'`
                            -  .html: `<span [innerHTML]='firstName'></span>`
                -  Attribute Binding:
                    -  sets the attribute property of a view element
                        -  Examples: 
                -  Class Binding: 
                    -   sets the class property of a view element
                        -   Examples: 
                -  Style Binding: 
                    -  sets the style of a view element
                        -  Examples: 
                            -  .html: `<h1 [style.color]='blue'>This is a blue heading</h1>`
            -  From View to Component
                -  This can be acheived by using the event binding technique
                -  Examples:
                    -  .ts: 
                            export class AppComponent{
                                myFunction():void {
                                    alert('Show Alert');
                    -  .html: `<button (click)="myFunction()">Show Alert</button>`
                    - What happens here is that when someone clicks on the button the view will send that information to the component and the component will run the function associated with the click event


Also in JavaScript: