clear terminal node js
process.stdout.write('\x1Bc'); console.clear()console.log('\033[2J');
Also in JavaScript:
- js switch case greater than
- javascript setattribute onclick function with parameters
- jest async test fetch api
- tappify react
- javascript format date yyyy-mm-dd
- go to next route vuejs
- replacing characters in string javascript
- creating a nested loop of a chessboard in javascript
- how to add elements in array in javascript
- change color by java scribt
- remove duplicates from array of objects javascript
- puppeteer block request javascript
- javascript assign value to input using name
- JavaScript banner
- jquery advace
- setting property to method in child class javascript
- javascript substring
- loop through javascript array
- javascript remove empty object items
- js scroll to top
- Error: Could not symlink include/node/common.gypi /usr/local/include/node is not writable.
- switch (new date().getday())
- heroku get requests return html code in production
- rubik's cube algorithm in javascript