javascript conditional ? :

//XCal - Javascript Inline Conditional Sample (condition brackets only for clarity)
//                           v-? = Conditional Operator
//                           v                  v-: = True/False result value separator
//Format =    v-Condition-v  ?  v-When True-v   :  v-When False-v
var vResult = (null == null) ? 'Condition True' : 'Condition False';
//vResult is now 'Condition True';function lessThan100(a, b) {
  let sum;
  if (a + b >= 100) {
    result = false;
  } else {
    result = true;
  return result;
}if ( expression )
Here are some expressions and their result
	Undefined: false
	Null: false
	Boolean: the result equals the input argument (no conversion)
	Number: false if the argument is +0, -0, or NaN; otherwise true
	String: false if the argument is an empty string (length = 0); 
			otherwise true
	Object: true

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