javascript var

//choose the best for your solution
var myVariable = 22; //this can be a string or number. var is globally defined

let myVariable = 22; //this can be a string or number. let is block scoped

const myVariable = 22; //this can be a string or number. const is block scoped and can't be reassignedvar num = 1:var <variable-name>;

var <variable-name> = <value>;
// let & var are both editable variables:
var cow = 'moo';
let pig = 'oink';
cow = 10;
pig = 10;
// const is a permanent variable; you cannot change it.
const uncuttableGrass = '\/\/';
uncuttableGrass = '___';
// above throws an error// write what ever you want
// one way is
// this is to declare intigers
var a = 10;
//this is to declare strings aka words
var b = "hi";
// the key word var can be replaced by let
//like this
let a = 10;
let b = "hi";
// i recomend using let insted of varvar a = 1;
b = 2;

delete this.a; // Genera un TypeError in strict mode. Altrimenti fallisce senza generare messaggi.
delete this.b;

console.log(a, b); // Genera un ReferenceError.
// La proprietà 'b' è stata cancellata e non esiste più.

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