add a line at the end of a file linux
echo 'text here' >> filename
Also in Shell:
- batch rename files
- installing helm v2 and tiller on minikube
- install git
- iterm full screen cmd
- cosmicjs
- pip install django-allauth
- ubuntu bionic update security has sum mismatch
- bash date variable format
- kubernetes auto complete
- git delete branch
- fraction simplifier
- Habilitar la ejecución de scripts para Powershell
- pipe + exec duplicate stdout linux
- sorting output bash
- pkg-config: No such file or directory
- update all chocolatey packages
- powershell string with quotes
- ubuntu ec2 node mongodb connect ECONNREFUSED
- html webpack plugin
- delete a file in cmd windows
- linux get full path
- install nuxt
- powershell foreach
- which desktop environment is runnings