arithmetic operation in bash
ans=$(( x + y ))
echo "$x + $y = $ans"
Also in Shell:
- how to rename the directory in terminal
- install node js ubuntu
- date linux show millis
- pytesseract
- git take ours
- gpg: can't connect to the agent: IPC connect call failed
- locate file in same directory linux
- bash case statement
- git amend
- delete a file in cmd windows
- linux memory cache clear
- linux check cpu core
- git remove commit from local
- install npm globally
- bash tee stdout and stderr
- list changed files git
- Failed at the [email protected] postinstall script.
- powershell get all computers in ou
- how to revoke permissions from group and others
- git ignore global
- shell script variable
- how to tar linux
- linux command line in windows 10
- docker build