bash count files in directory recursively matchingattern
find . -type f -name '*.log' -printf x | wc -cls -Uba1 | grep ^log | wc -l
Also in Shell:
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- install dependencies @material-ui/lab/Rating
- git remove tag from remote
- ubuntu 16.10 vmware
- bash grep and sort
- how to connect to the database as root user in linux
- remove remote git
- Could not install Visual Studio Build Tools.
- docker build from github repository
- git create new branch from current
- shell set environment variable
- converter mp3 para kali linux
- turn on component via powershell
- add description to commit git
- how to totally uninstall prettier
- mysql default user password
- raspbian start gui manually
- Linux Mint reset xfce-panel
- How to Install a LAMP stack on a Linode Server
- ng cli generate component
- linux how to see directory data usage
- greater than certain value from pipe shell
- install dev dependency yarn
- pacman update database