bash count lines
wc -l
Also in Shell:
- change git password on terminal
- install ifconfig on ubuntu
- install metasploit in kali linux
- npm move package from devdependencies to dependencies
- how to revert to earlier commit git
- allow user root commands linux centos
- upgrade .net core 2.2 to 3.1
- git discard all unpushed commits
- bash call another script relative to current script
- get random number shell script
- git push pull asks for login everytime
- install linuxbrew
- bash grep and sort
- delete a github repository using bash
- how to rename working directory in linux
- bash send to dev null
- mkdir multiple directories
- cmd find file dir
- how to delete services in kubernetes
- install jquery
- grep
- powershell get arguments
- mamp connect to mysql
- isdigit in c