bash generate random number between
#If you have coreutils installed and want a number inbewtween a value
shuf -i MIN-MAX -n 1
#or you can use bash
Also in Shell:
- how to install node dependencies
- force pull github
- linux screen detach
- dnstwist kali linux
- shell count number of lines
- rpm fusion repo install fedora
- use a specific version of node
- @react-navigation/drawer install
- tree process linux commnad
- asdf node fingerprint
- ubuntu passwordless sudo
- check commit history git
- php artisan doctrine migrations add all
- list hdfs running linux
- count files in directory linux
- heic open linux
- pycharm install face_recognition
- ubuntu 16.10 vmware
- how to install .whl file in windows 10
- pip upgrade
- laravel create migration
- msdos dir for subdirectories
- export not working in shell script
- github check local branches