bash generate random number between 1 10
#If you have coreutils installed and want a number inbewtween a value
shuf -i MIN-MAX -n 1
#or you can use bash
Also in Shell:
- how to check installed apps in ubuntu
- git use file credential
- how to zip with tar command
- git bash upstream branch change
- customize bash prompt
- git reset remote origin
- unzip gz file linux
- How to find your ip on debian linux wsl
- git store credentials
- desktop trigger click bash shell ubuntu
- grepper shortcut key
- how to add application to unity launcher
- zip file
- git proxy
- cordova ios emulators
- git diff two commits one file
- bash dollar curly brace
- git push crontab
- sorting output bash
- pip install django-allauth
- Habilitar la ejecución de scripts para Powershell
- git help
- search a tag git
- how to install react spring with typescript