build file.go ubuntu
sudo apt-get install build-essential
Also in Shell:
- linux edit file
- rials db down
- php artisan doctrine migrations add all
- grep wildcard
- powershell start a process and wait for it to finish
- how to install lightgbm on mac
- use a specific version of node
- install bootstrap react
- pyglet linux
- ubuntu 16.10 vmware
- ps -aux command in linux
- gats gatsby-plugin-offline
- single line comment in shell script
- git push all branches
- linux screen brightness command line
- install pyenv
- update pip
- view running jobs linux
- how to install node dependencies
- check vm ram details in linux
- how to see map of branches in git
- how to undo a git stash
- only show first lines linux
- linux command line in windows 10