command to install react cli
npm install -g react-cli react
Also in Shell:
- install ifconfig on ubuntu
- git clean cache
- How do I get a complete list of all table names in all databases in Hive?
- get random number shell script
- powershell get date
- git commands
- disable ssh login for user
- use a specific version of node
- git proxy
- fatal: refusing to merge unrelated histories
- clear untracked files git
- error: eaccess: permission denied ionic
- kill a process with pid
- git match remote master
- set remote url git
- install pipenv on kali linux
- search for files in linux terminal
- linux extract tgz
- git create new branch from current
- ubuntu view disk space ec2
- install kind
- git create master branch in empty repository
- branch list in git
- powershell sharepoint copy file to other site collection