composer install without dependencies
composer install --ignore-platform-reqs
Also in Shell:
- restart service linux crontab
- How do I get a complete list of all table names in all databases in Hive?
- install itertools
- how to move file in directory in linux
- how to add font icon in gatsby
- install imblearn
- ubuntu ram type
- installing helm v2 and tiller on minikube
- install django
- why i am not able to paste anything in htdocs folder in ubuntu
- ubuntu delete from ssh known hosts
- lumen
- recover lost file git
- install dateutil
- install magento 2 command line composer
- linux zip all folders except one
- open a pdf on linux
- how to install react spring with typescript
- heroku install classic
- homebrew postgres
- grep
- power toy
- check the linux distribution
- git prune while fetch globally