convert all files and folders in current directory into zip in linux
zip -r mydir
Also in Shell:
- forecfully remove directory
- ubuntu set sudoers to use vim
- raspberry specific kernel version
- ubuntu remove temp files
- linux find file
- git commit all
- haproxy in centos 7
- php reverse shell
- git pull hard
- install .net core sdk on linux
- recursive grep recursion depth
- convert excel to csv command line linux
- vim compare 2 files
- npm move package from devdependencies to dependencies
- find command also return directory names?
- branch list in git
- use python shell with git bash
- bily-101 github
- upgrade npm
- git push heroku master Permission denied (publickey). fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
- which desktop environment is runnings
- git add all files command
- tab to csv command line
- randomly choose n rows from a file linux