p { color: red }sssssgit reset --soft HEAD~1
Also in Shell:
- powershell get all computers in ou
- install node mac
- bash head command
- installing helm v2 and tiller on minikube
- composer install without dependencies
- undo commit
- java to jar
- search for files in linux terminal
- how to import sharepoint powershell
- git commit expanded message
- apache rewrite rule backslash not working
- how to check if pip is installed
- process runninng on particular port
- set feh wallpaper
- linux see drivers
- git take ours
- git bash upstream branch change
- install brew mac
- linux zip all folders except one
- how to revert commit in git
- git how to work with remote branch and fork
- random in mac terminal
- powershell parameter
- error: eaccess: permission denied ionic