create a virtual environment python conda
conda create -n yourenvname python=x.x anaconda
Also in Shell:
- ubuntu virtual machine
- connect local repository to remote git
- fatal: refusing to merge unrelated histories
- powershell bulk rename and add extra string to filename
- make shell script executable
- find command also return directory names?
- raspberry shell get datetime now
- powershell script enable tls 1.2
- git checkout remote branch
- git ignore
- bily-101 github
- raspbian start gui manually
- how to push force git
- hide ls: cannot read symbolic link Permission denied
- ubuntu passwordless sudo
- arithmetic operation in bash
- locate file in same directory linux
- npm run custom script
- getcwd() failed: No such file or directory linux server
- install faiss in colab
- bash case statement
- git remove folder remotely
- git delete all branches except master
- how to create a branch in git