customize bash prompt
Also in Shell:
- install jake
- install yarn
- how to grep if the first letter is a character not a number
- install git
- Data path ".builders['app-shell']" should have required property 'class'.
- bash generate random number between 1 10
- fraction simplifier
- git proxy
- ubuntu passwordless sudo
- installing helm v2 and tiller on minikube
- fatal: could not read Username for '': Device not configured push crontab
- open pdf command line linux
- install mongodb on mac
- git checkout remote branch
- git add submodule
- command to edit in terminal linux
- where do you install composer
- how to put files into gitignore
- powershell multiline comment
- pkg-config: No such file or directory
- bash echo to stderr
- find the size of file in linux
- space in dock mac
- git rebase one commit