date linux show millis
# Returns the number of seconds + current nanoseconds.
date +%s%N
Also in Shell:
- bash get value after equal sign
- jupyter notebooks
- rsync examples
- bash call another script relative to current script
- how to insert a delimiter into an array powershell
- how to uninstall npm package
- how to check error logs in linux
- how to add application to unity launcher
- bash grep and sort
- ansible only disable service if installed
- install bootstrap in angular 9
- rec: command not found
- git diff two commits
- how to find the path of a command in linux
- tfswitch install
- how to connect to the database as root user in linux
- boolean constants in bash
- install yarn
- git clone
- how to make a tarball in linux
- how to add images to git readme
- linux command for get whole website
- ubuntu add user to group
- Documentazione relativa a Sottosistema di Windows per Linux