de shell script with administrative priverlages
do shell script "<your script here>" with administrator privileges
Also in Shell:
- heroku install classic
- git proxy
- how to convert ts to mp4 with ffmpeg
- remove git from project
- allow user root commands linux centos
- process runninng on particular port
- default root password ubuntu 18.04
- bash permissions
- check running process in linux
- why i am not able to paste anything in htdocs folder in ubuntu
- switch session windows tmux
- bash send to dev null
- install dateutil
- vim gitgutter
- get random number shell script
- how to apply a svn patch git
- git clean cache
- install phantomjs
- use a specific version of node
- recover lost file git
- linux zip all folders except one
- how to create a shortcut ubuntu
- docker current version
- powershell get date