docker post installation steps linux
# Creates docker group
sudo groupadd docker
# Add your user to the docker group
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
# Log out and log back in so that your group membership is re-evaluated
# GNOME example
Also in Shell:
- powershell append to file
- git global username --replace-all
- get additional parameters linux scripting
- install AdminLTE
- setup mysql ubuntu
- linux delete appledouble files
- get git remote url
- install gnu grep on mac
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- make a batch file that accepts pipe input
- how to check if node js is installed on ubuntu
- utorrent on ubuntu
- deletar branch
- fish shell script parent directory multiple dots
- git bisect
- pip install crispy_forms
- check if kubernetes is running
- pip install kivy error
- git effacer banch
- python virtualenv
- shell loop terminating after command
- diff files in different repositories
- git see tags
- git stash command with name