find npm version
node --versionnpm --version
Also in Shell:
- recursive grep recursion depth
- allow user root commands linux centos
- use python shell with git bash
- lumen
- how to convert ts to mp4 with ffmpeg
- install strapi cli
- cmd find file dir
- npx create-react-app not working
- linux select pages from pdf
- create a new project with create-react-app
- default root password ubuntu 18.04
- apache rewrite rule backslash not working
- installing helm v2 and tiller on minikube
- apt uninstall
- how to fix the traceback error debian linux
- git prune while fetch globally
- crop video from specific time to specific time ffmpeg
- run python program from command line
- show remote git
- de shell script with administrative priverlages
- rename remote branch in git
- msdos dir for subdirectories
- extract a tar.xz file linux
- git search all branches