flutter not finding android sdk
flutter config --android-sdk <path-to-your-android-sdk-path>
flutter doctor --android-licenses
Also in Shell:
- git delete remote branch error: unable to delete remote ref does not exist
- git command autocomplete
- install seaborn
- remove mongo lock file from centos 7
- react native expo project in github e commerce
- git get remote branches
- shell set environment variable
- centos 7 install docker compose
- install dateutil
- cmd prompt format
- comment in shell script
- postgres how to list all databases
- php artisan doctrine migrations add all
- choco list installed
- bash get kernel version
- raspberry wifi scan
- how to open file in linux
- command to know disk ussage in ec2 instance
- git eof config
- install flask
- rustup
- grep docker logs
- deletar branch
- linux unzip with password