force git to use ssh
git config --global url."[email protected]:".insteadOf ""
Also in Shell:
- add user linux
- how to list all the available versionb for installation ubuntu
- how to pull and overwrite local changes git
- install macos on vmware ubuntu
- install django
- install poetry
- install particular version of laravel
- using regex in bash conditional statement
- python-swiftclient 3.5.0 uninstall ubuntu
- dos findstr with plus
- Amazon Linux 2 AMI install docker
- bash count files in directory recursively matchingattern
- how to reset git branch to a certain commit.
- putty for ubuntu
- install gulp
- pod deintegrate
- ubuntu install apache2
- mvn build project
- ubuntu crop pdf
- git bash upstream branch change
- webpack uninstall npm
- linux generate file
- angular add universal
- bash find files and operator