force pull github
git fetch --all
git reset --hard origin/mastergit reset --hard origin/master
Also in Shell:
- bash generate random number between
- ubuntu tweak
- ps -aux command in linux
- git merge pushed commits
- vim compare 2 files
- randomly choose n rows from a file linux
- set git remote heroku to
- how to change permissions on a file in linux
- check linux ubuntu version
- grep wildcard
- install bootstap 4 cdn
- count files in directory linux
- brew install
- Change Git commit user name and author
- powershell import module
- grep for all .py files containing a word
- Why doesn't Git ignore my specified file?
- git add submodule
- rvm install
- bash call another script relative to current script
- grep docker logs
- sudo msys2
- telnet full form
- long term projects for java learners