function bash
#Call a function without arguments
function quit {
#Call a function with arguments
function e {
echo $1 #$1 will be set to the first argument given
function name() {
echo "something"
Also in Shell:
- undo last commit
- git take ours
- install from tar gz file unix
- git reset remote
- how to run a create-react-app server
- install glesv2 and egl library
- react native expo project in github e commerce
- Failed at the [email protected] postinstall script.
- find command also return directory names?
- view git branches most recent first
- heic open linux
- make diff git as commit
- virtualbox kernel driver not installed ubuntu
- update pip
- only show first lines linux
- install mvc 5.2.4 nugget console
- linux screen list
- git refusing to merge unrelated histories
- grep ip address
- how to access a samba share folder in linux
- rpi-update specific kernel version
- react testing library
- git config --global http.sslverify "false" This command resolve my problem
- git ignore node_modules