git add commit in one command
git commit -am "message"
Also in Shell:
- dos dir filename only
- how to compile a python prohram that uses PyQt
- run screen on background linux terminal
- random in mac terminal
- bash find files or operator
- powershell get all computers in ou
- install dateutil
- linux ram drive
- git bring your changes to a new branch
- install phantomjs
- set remote url git
- git take ours
- powershell add element to array
- how to create a shortcut ubuntu
- java to jar
- extract a tar.xz file linux
- linux see drivers
- kill a process with pid
- how to check which packages homebrew has installed
- how to install php
- install magento 2 command line composer
- show remote git
- grep search for text in php files recursive
- homestead.yaml adding provisions