git checkout tag
$ git checkout tags/<tag_name> -b <branch_name>
$ git checkout tags/v1.0 -b v1.0-branch
Switched to a new branch 'v1.0-branch'
Also in Shell:
- how to change permissions on a file in linux
- brew install
- linux spotify client
- install lutris ubuntu 20.04
- wireshark export list of ip addresses
- pkg-config: No such file or directory
- how to install pytorch 0.4.1
- run msi on linux
- git copy file from another branch
- linux make executable
- powershell string with quotes
- delete all local branches git
- read file using shell script
- list all node versions mac
- Why doesn't Git ignore my specified file?
- cmd prompt format
- linux install ifconfig
- how to install .whl file in windows 10
- create a symlink
- single line comment in shell script
- how to create a new group in linux
- how to make maven clean install faster in eclipse
- delete git
- bash measure execution time