git get local branches
git branch -l
Also in Shell:
- restart service linux crontab
- git commands
- install rancher
- matplotlib change he yticks to two number after digit
- could not connect to server: Connection refused Is the server running on host and accepting TCP/IP connections on port 5432?
- install node mac
- grep capture group
- bleachbit command line install
- update yarn
- remove file from stage git
- delete a github repository using bash
- mamp connect to mysql
- xampp linux
- gpg: can't connect to the agent: IPC connect call failed
- cordova ios emulators
- install rbenv
- gatsby transformer remark
- allow user root commands linux centos
- process runninng on particular port
- set git origin
- run screen on background linux terminal
- shell hide tab
- how to compile a python prohram that uses PyQt
- unable to install deno in ubuntu