git ignore node_modules
Add this
to .gitignore file to ignore all directories called node_modules in current folder and any subfolders//create a .gitignore file and add the following in it
# dependencies
Also in Shell:
- git effacer banch
- check commit history git
- install postfix dovecot ubuntu 16.04
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- install flutter
- run docker redis localhost
- Install xlrd >= 1.0.0 for Excel support Use pip or conda to install xlrd
- htaccess route to index.php
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- clone repository git
- remove frmo staging git
- how to access a samba share folder in linux
- how to install crispy forms django
- exit from jshell
- how to get ip address in ubuntu
- git get remote branches
- conda install paraview
- install google chrome on fedira
- linux view services
- install chromedriver linux command line
- how to run python in terminal
- grep ip address
- git fetch upstream
- install vuex orm