git prune local branches
npx git-removed-branches --prune
Also in Shell:
- bash count files in directory recursively matchingattern
- Data path ".builders['app-shell']" should have required property 'class'.
- julia install linux
- show directory size linux
- git worktree
- powershell add element to array
- how to kill tasks using grep
- "git checkout -b" example
- "at" ubuntu script dschedule
- source fish config
- install keras
- shell count number of columns
- how to delete services in kubernetes
- how to remove unnecessary packages in linux
- git config --global http.sslverify "false" This command resolve my problem
- how to rename the directory in terminal
- how to convert ppk to pem in linux
- create exe installer
- see git origin
- git stas hauntracked files
- mkdir - p linux
- conda install from yaml
- ping a port linux
- display folder of path linux bashrc