git push all branches
git push --all
Also in Shell:
- git credenttial.helper cmd
- mysqldump
- change remote to use ssh git command
- pkg-config: No such file or directory
- install jupyter notebook
- install x centos 7
- rpm fusion repo install fedora
- fatal: refusing to merge unrelated histories
- powershell import module
- git flow feature
- powershell string with quotes
- how to install pytorch 0.4.1
- how to create folder in github
- only show first lines linux
- virtualbox kernel driver not installed ubuntu
- bash set environment variable
- count files in directory linux
- loop through directories bash
- wireshark export list of ip addresses
- Linux Mint reset xfce-panel
- install phantomjs
- bash write file
- grep regex negation
- debian install tcpflow