git push crontab
git -C /var/bkpfolder/ add .
git -C /var/bkpfolder/ commit -m "another commit"
git -C /var/bkpfolder/ push origin master
Also in Shell:
- Gem::LoadError : "ed25519 is not part of the bundle. Add it to your Gemfile."
- check commit history git
- revert to commit git
- git cherry pick
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- cmd rename multiple files
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- install jake
- cambiar nombre branch git
- how to set date in ubuntu
- how to update local repo when i make changes to github remote repo
- how to see all branches in git
- batch rename files
- install scypi
- .htaccess
- git cherry pick commit
- vim display whitespace
- npm install package globally
- is it possible to check with my website if an app is installed?
- docker alpine create user and group
- git tag checkout
- angular new project
- command to edit in terminal linux
- pip3 not found