git unstage file for commit
git reset myfilename.txt
Also in Shell:
- linux spotify client
- composer add package
- linux delete appledouble files
- lstinputlisting line range
- rename a file in linux
- how to link a repo to a project on github
- linux set environment
- error: eaccess: permission denied ionic
- chocolatey installation
- bash create file
- docker remove all images powershell
- docker logs tail
- bootstrap node install
- powershell convert text 20MB to bytes
- git pull hard
- fetching a forked branch
- how use vim in linux
- cordova ios emulators
- docker build from github repository
- npm install express-handlebars
- space command line mac
- uninstall webpack globally
- php apache "You do not have permission to use at.
- cmd rename multiple folders