github compare commits<username>/<repo_name>/compare/<commit1>...<commit2>
Also in Shell:
- create next js app
- git proxy
- bash grep and sort
- install jupyter
- node install ubuntu
- gparted ubuntu
- how to add application to unity launcher
- git ignore file mode changes
- disable open file explorer erverytime i connect usb ubuntu
- create branch in git
- pip install kivy
- Fatal error in launcher:
- npm install react
- how to push to git hub
- shell count number of columns
- bash get value after equal sign
- save account to git
- grepper shortcut key
- bash get current date
- install dependencies @material-ui/lab/Rating
- how to remove a pushed file from git
- linux os update
- change ratio vmware ubuntu
- getcwd() failed: No such file or directory linux server