gzip folder with tar and exclude directories
# create a gzip archive of my-backup-folder
# but exclude all node_module directories
# flags:
# --exclude = exclude files, given as a PATTERN
# -c = create a new archive
# -z = filter the archive through gzip
# -f = use archive file or device ARCHIVE
# the exclude flag needs to come first to work
tar --exclude "node_modules" -czf backup.tar.gz /my-backup-folder
Also in Shell:
- CommandNotFoundError: Your shell has not been properly
- pip upgrade
- linux command to move a file to another directory
- command git message
- force pull github
- bash set environment variable
- check linux ubuntu version
- how to merge git branch to master
- edit default port for linux server
- vim compare 2 files
- git flow feature
- Amazon Linux 2 AMI install docker
- cannot find lstdc++ ubuntu
- powershell string with quotes
- bash call another script relative to current script
- git remove commit from local
- set git remote heroku to https://git.heroku.com/resume-projects.git
- install bootstrap react
- wireshark export list of ip addresses
- ubuntu passwordless sudo
- sound output raspberry pi
- git push pull asks for login everytime
- 403 apache ubuntu
- dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux /all /norestart