if else in mac terminal
defaultsReturn=$(defaults read com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles)
if [ '1' = "$defaultsReturn" ]; then
echo "AppleShowAllFiles is enabled"
elif [ '0' = "$defaultsReturn" ]; then
echo "AppleShowAllFiles is not enabled"
echo "defaults returned some other value: $defaultsReturn"
Also in Shell:
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- remove git from project
- remove frmo staging git
- how to run python in terminal
- laravel create controller
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- cosmicjs
- store result of command in variable bash
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- restart service linux crontab
- git config --global credential.helper osxkeychain
- how to create branch in github using git bash
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- docker compose run
- npm move package from devdependencies to dependencies
- git push pull asks for login everytime
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- how to move file in directory in linux
- allow user root commands linux centos
- how to remove node_modules from git
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