install dev dependency yarn
yarn add nameOfPackage --dev
Also in Shell:
- git branch and checkout at the same time
- linux screen list
- resolv conf linux is being overwritten centos 7
- ubuntu dock setting
- how to add images to git readme
- git replace local branch with remote
- check powershell version
- create next js app
- How to delete docker images from docker hub using a shell script serverfault
- install dependencies @material-ui/lab/Rating
- linux move everything in a directory to another directory
- install dev dependency yarn
- linux ram drive
- rails server already running
- hide permission denied ~/.bash
- bash script until loop
- Documentazione relativa a Sottosistema di Windows per Linux
- git host key verification failed
- exit ssh session in shell script
- remove mysql
- tfswitch install
- install phantomjs
- undo git
- powershell zip multiple files