install magento 2 command line composer
composer create-project --repository-url= magento/project-community-edition .
Also in Shell:
- github graphql query to get your repos
- git store credentials
- unzip tar.gz
- powershell check if software is installed
- intall docker ubuntu command
- install nvm
- centos 7 install docker compose
- change linux user password with script
- shell file in linux
- how to run shell script
- space command line mac
- conda install keras
- npm install react
- choco installation
- stop elasticsearch node
- how to create a user and add it to a group in linux
- clear untracked files git
- git cherry pick
- how do i clone a specific branch in git
- How to upload a files to a repository on github using gitbash
- ruby for loop
- can i go back to bash from zsh mac
- bash redirect output to null
- ailure [INSTALL_FAILED_USER_RESTRICTED: Install canceled by user]