install nuxt
$ npx create-nuxt-app <project-name>
Also in Shell:
- install mongodb on mac
- install jake
- how to put files into gitignore
- compile h5py
- linux move everything in a directory to another directory
- zip file
- bash redirect output to null
- install font awesome
- angular add modulee
- how to make a .sh file executable
- passport deploy to server
- start mongodb service ubuntu
- vim display whitespace
- Shell query displays all citizens with an age greater than or equal to 21
- search by message git
- ubuntu bionic update security has sum mismatch
- shell script variable
- matplotlib change he yticks to two number after digit
- bash echo to stderr
- pip install crispy_forms
- git reset remote origin
- how to update local repo when i make changes to github remote repo
- ubuntu ec2 node mongodb connect ECONNREFUSED
- install sklearn