install ubuntu gui on wsl
sudo apt purge xscreensaver gnome-screensaver
Also in Shell:
- split large file into smaller files
- forecfully remove directory
- matplotlib change he yticks to two number after digit
- bash display items in array
- delete github repository git bash
- read string by string in file in linux
- command to edit in terminal linux
- git remove folder remotely
- "git checkout -b" example
- yarn add --save-exact
- offline heic to jpg converter on linux
- getcwd() failed: No such file or directory linux server
- install ubuntu gui on wsl
- check cpu temp linux
- how to check node version
- heroku cli delete app
- docker getting-started
- how to validate a mobile number in shell script
- npx create-react-app not working
- how to move a directory in linux
- bash set environment variable
- clear ram linux
- how to start a web server linux
- bash call another script relative to current script