intel pinning threads
for i in $(seq 1 $END); do echo $i; donevals=($(seq 0 0.1 2.5))
Also in Shell:
- gparted ubuntu
- i dont have pip, hoow to install pandas
- run jar file command line
- git pull from commit
- arithmetic operation in bash
- search by message git
- how to install dataloader
- delete git tag remote
- add-apt-repository
- create a docker file
- shell Edited By King Deface
- linux give full permission to directory
- git change remote origin address
- macos install yarn
- circleci skip
- find text in linux file
- copy folder from s3 to local
- driver hosts file
- linux permanent mount
- how to open ubuntu file in visual studio
- git diff two commits one file
- adding an existing project to github using the command line
- @react-navigation/drawer install
- ping a port linux