java to jar
# cd into the directory that contains your project
jar cvfe <output jar filename>.jar <main class location> *
Also in Shell:
- git match remote master
- recover lost file git
- unable to install deno in ubuntu
- npx create-react-app not working
- docker current version
- install node mac
- git reset
- ubuntu zip file
- extract .gz file linux
- pip install kivy
- install metasploit in kali linux
- git stash save name
- git remove folder remotely
- how to install vue in laravel
- how to remove a pushed file from git
- linux see drivers
- how to install react spring with typescript
- netstat check port
- install redux
- process runninng on particular port
- ubuntu du sort by dir size
- xampp linux
- install imblearn
- homestead.yaml adding provisions