linux copy
# Linux - Bash
# syntax:
# cp [option(s)] <source-filepath> <destination-filepath>
# example-1 (fundamental - no options):
cp "C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts.txt" "C:\Users\hosts.txt"
# example-2 (fundamental - with options):
cp -nR "C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc" "C:\Users"
# + ------ + ------------------------------------------------------- +
# + ------ + ------------------------------------------------------- +
# | -a | archive files |
# | -f | force copy by removing the destination file if needed |
# | -i | interactive - ask before overwrite |
# | -l | link files instead of copy |
# | -L | follow symbolic links |
# | -n | no file overwrite |
# | -R | recursive copy (including hidden files) |
# + ------ + ------------------------------------------------------- +
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