linux zip a directory
zip -r /path/to/folder1
Also in Shell:
- linux write
- stop a process running on a port
- linux install pip
- lstinputlisting excluse lines
- read text file command prompt
- install chrome ubuntu server
- error: eaccess: permission denied ionic
- ssh github generate key
- git add
- git authentication failed clone
- i dont have pip, hoow to install pandas
- print line from word file linux
- brew minikube custom version install
- ubuntu create a ssh key
- how to totally uninstall prettier
- cosmicjs
- ubuntu logout
- random in mac terminal
- randomly choose n rows from a file linux
- git collab
- pycharm duplicate line
- dns_probe_finished_nxdomain linux ubuntu
- intel pinning threads
- get serial number for server using powreshell