loop bash
years=(2018 2019)
days=(74 274)
for year in "${years[@]}"; do
for day in $(seq -w ${days[0]} ${days[1]}); do
echo $year
echo $day
donewhile [ <some test> ]
donefor VARIABLE in 1 2 3 4 5 .. N
Also in Shell:
- fingerprint login disabled ubuntu 20.04
- pipe linux
- linux vim set tab to 4 spaces
- rails rollback multiple migrations
- deny directory listing htaccess
- git authentication failed clone
- install composer mac
- create a docker file
- package 'mana-toolkit' has no installation candidate
- remove the last commit git without losing changes
- git get repository url
- git delete tag name
- react native install
- check installed packages apt-get
- archlinux install chrome
- unzip gz file linux
- install google chrome on fedira
- convert all files and folders in current directory into zip in linux
- conda activate env
- babel json loader
- ubuntu install composer
- only show first lines linux
- git clean cache
- matrix synapse install