npm install cli vue
npm install -g @vue/cli
# OR
yarn global add @vue/cli
Also in Shell:
- Running modprobe bridge br_netfilter failed with message: ip: can't find device
- list all users linux
- ubuntu view disk space ec2
- linux find files multiple
- create a new project with create-react-app
- open a pdf on linux
- power toy
- chown
- npm install cli vue
- recover lost file git
- linux select pages from pdf
- cmd find file dir
- remove git from project
- digital bootcamps in gauteng
- linux see drivers
- git commands
- git prune while fetch globally
- linux zip all folders except one
- revert commit git
- delete a github repository using bash
- check running process in linux
- save android studio home bash_profile
- install kind
- how to uninstall in ubuntu