npm install package as developer dependency
npm install --save-dev package
# example:
npm install --save-dev nodemon
Also in Shell:
- git change remote origin address
- command to check working of gpu in linux
- how to install node fetch
- WSL connect docker daemon to docker for windows
- linux head command
- utorrent on ubuntu
- pip3 install from git
- linux create user
- homebrew install mac
- réinstaller interface graphique debian
- check if kubernetes is running
- terminal how to find a directory
- pytorch anaconda install windows
- install automapper core mvc
- grep and
- batch loops
- archlinux install chrome
- laravel
- maven install on mac os x
- git host key verification failed
- count occurrences of word in file linux
- how to validate a mobile number in shell script
- install angular cli
- how to get divided number in mac terminal