numpy uninstall anaconda
pip uninstall numpy
pip install numpy==1.7
Also in Shell:
- ubuntu remove temp files
- git eof config
- NotImplementedError: OpenSSH keys only supported if ED25519 is available net-ssh requires the following gems for ed25519 suppor
- git effacer banch
- exit from jshell
- no module named typedefs pyinstaller
- commit the add complete folder to github
- git commit all changes
- dnstwist kali linux
- how to revoke permissions from group and others
- git stash save name
- list user groups linux
- bash get kernel version
- ionic publish
- install vuex
- how to get the file inside the folder in batch
- install .net core sdk on linux
- htaccess route to index.php
- show rights inside folder debian
- git init repo
- linux df -h levels occupy
- git refusing to merge unrelated histories
- error installing drivelist npm
- linux command for file size